Featured Artists
- A through C
- D through H
- I through O
- P through Z
The Young Tradition
- The Young Tradition Sampler
- 1970 - Transatlantic TRA SAM 13 LP (UK)
- Side One
- Chicken On A Raft (Tawney)
- The Innocent Hare
- The Whitsuntide Carol
- Pretty Nancy Of Yarmouth
- The Banks Of The Claudy
- Randy Dandy O
- Side Two
- Byker Hill
- Daddy Fox
- The Fox Hunt
- The Lyke Wake Dirge
- Shanties
- Fire Marengo
- Hanging Johnny
- Bring 'Em Down
- Haul On The Bowline
- Credits
- Produced by Transatlantic Records Ltd., London. England
- All songs Trad. Arr. Wood. Bellamy. Wood, unless otheriwse noted.
- The cover, by Brian Shuel, shows the group with the Copper family, source of much YT inspiration, at The Central Club, Peacehaven.
- L. to R. — Royston Wood, John Copper and Peter Bellamy standing, and Ron Copper, Heather Wood and Bob Copper sitting in front.