Featured Artists
- A through C
- D through H
- I through O
- P through Z
The Young Tradition
- Chicken on a Raft
- 1967 - Transatlantic TRA EP 166 EP [7"] (UK)
- Side One
- Chicken on a Raft (Cyril Tawney)
- Randy Dandy-O (Trad. Arr. Wood, Bellamy, Wood)
- Side Two
- Shanties (Trad. Arr. Wood, Bellamy, Wood)
- Fire Maringo
- Hanging Johnny
- Bring ’em Down
- Haul on the Bowline
- Chorus
- Dave Calderhead, Hans Fried, Ken Hamer, Roger & Frances Jones-Ford, Arthur Knevett, Rod & Danny Stradling
- Notes
- Information on this release comes from outside sources.