Featured Artists
- A through C
- D through H
- I through O
- P through Z
The Young Tradition
- Galleries
- 1968 - Transatlantic TRA 172 LP (UK)
- Side One
- Intro: Ductia (Anon)
- The Barley Straw (Trad. Arr. The Young Tradition)
- What If A Day (Thos. Campion)
- The Loyal Lover (Trad. Arr. The Young Tradition)
- Entracte: Stones In My Passway (Robt. Johnson)
- Idumea (C. Wesley 1753, A. Davidson 1816, Ecdes, 3: 2.)
- The Husbandman And The Serving Man (Trad. Arr. The Young Tradition)
- The Rolling Of The Stones (Trad. Arr. The Young Tradition)
- The Bitter Withy (Trad. Arr. The Young Tradition)
- The Banks Of The Nile
- Side Two
- Wondrous Love (Rev. Robt. Seagraves)
- Mediaeval Mystery Tour (Anon, Jansch, Renbourne)
- Divertissement: Upon The Bough (Anon)
- Ratcliff Highway (Trad. Arr. The Young Tradition)
- The Brisk Young Widow (Trad. Arr. The Young Tradition)
- Interlude: The Pembroke Unique Ensemble
- John Barleycorn (Trad. Arr. The Young Tradition)
- The Agincourt Carol (Anon)
- The Players
- Heather Wood: Vocals & Whistle
- Royston Wood: Vocals, Tabour & Tambourine
- Peter Bellamy: Vocals, Whistle, Guitar & Concertina
- The Ensemble Including
- David Munrow: Shawm
- Roddy & Adam Skeaping: Viols
- Chris Hogwood: Percussion
- Dolly Collins: Portative Organ
- Dave Swarbrick: Fiddles & Mandolin
- Credits
- Production by Bill Leader
- Cover by William Watters
- Recorded at Livingstone Sound Studios 1968
- Augmented arrangements by Dolly Collins
- Transatlantic Records Ltd., 120, Marylebone Lane, London W.l.