Featured Artists
- A through C
- D through H
- I through O
- P through Z
Stockton's Wing
- The Crooked Rose
- 1992 - TARA CD 3028 CD (IRL)
- Tracklist
- The Master's Daughter: Reels
- Master's Daughter (Maurice Lennon)
- Blessing's (Trad.)
- Denis O'Brien's (Maurice Lennon/Paul Roche)
- Some Fools Cry (Mike Hanrahan)
- Aaron's Key: Jigs
- Rose it the Heather (Trad.)
- Aaron's Key (Paul Roche)
- O'Dea's (Paul Roche/Maurice Lennon)
- When You Smiled (Mike Hanrahan)
- Angel (Mike Hanrahan/Peter Keenan)
- The Humours Of Clonmult: Slide/Jig/Reel
- Humours Of Clonmult (Mike Hanrahan/Maurice Lennon)
- Lough Gowna (Trad.)
- The Congress (Trad.)
- Black Hill (Mike Hanrahan)
- The Prince's Feather: Reels
- The Prince's Feather (Maurice Lennon)
- The Corner House (Maurice Lennon)
- Chasing Down A Rainbow (Mike Hanrahan)
- Catalina: Waltz (Maurice Lennon/John Hulrey)
- Lonesome Road (Mike Hanrahan/Maurice Lennon)
- Stars In The Morning East: Air (Peter Keenan)
- Stockton's Wing
- Mike Hanrahan: Vocals & Guitar
- Maurice Lennon: Fiddle
- Paul Roche: Flute, Tin Whistles & Low Whistle
- Peter Keenan: Piano & Keyboards
- Davey McNevin: Banjo & Mandolin
- Musicians
- Backing Vocals by the Ullingswick Chorus: Peter, Paul, Maurice and Davey
- Billy Whelan: Keyboards (additional)
- Mel Mercier: Bodhrán and bones
- Credits
- Produced by Bill Whelan
- Engineer: Andrew Boland
- Assistant Engineer: Aidan McGovern
- Recorded and mixed at Windmill Lane Studios, Dublin, Ireland, Dec. 1991 and Jan. 1992
- All Tracks arranged by Bill Whelan and Stockton's Wing
- Design & Artwork: Shay Kennedy
- Photography: Ronnie Norton
- Thanks to Frank Merriman and The Bel Canto School of Singing, J.J. Vernon, Temple Lane Studios, Anne O'Connor, Katie Brady, Ron Welsh, "The Client", and Douglas Adams & John Lloyd for "The Deeper Meaning of Liff".
- Special Thanks for their help and inspiration to Bill Whelan, Andrew Boland, and Mick Barry.