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Alan Stivell • Terre Des Vivants - Bed An Dud Vew
- Terre Des Vivants - Bed An Dud Vew
- 1981 - Disc'Az AZ/2 373 LP (FRA)
- Side One
- Terre Des Vivants (Pierre Grosz)
- Rentrer En Bretagne (Stivell, Pierre Grosz)
- Beg Ar Van (La Pointe Du Van)
- M.J.
- Side Two
- 'Raog Mont D'Ar Skol (Avant D'Aller A L'Ecole)
- Androïdes (1°, 2°, 3° Partie)
- Ideas
- Androïdes (4° Partie)
- Hidden Through The Hills (A L'Abri Des Montagnes)
- Cameronian Rant (L'Appel Du Clan Des Cameron)
- Q Celts Fiesta
- L'Ere Du Verseau
- Musicians
- Alan Stivell: Celtic Harp, Classical Harp, Vocals, Scottish Bagpipes, Bombarde (Breton Flute), Irish Flute, Organ, Percussion
- Guitars: C. Samard & C. Engel
- Basses: M. Peyratout & J. Top
- Drums: D. La Torre
- Piano: J.P. Sabar, Guigon, S. Planchon & M. Goldfeder
- Synthesizer: R. Duflot-Verez
- Violin: P. Querre, D. Rose & M. Cron
- Cello: H. Varron & J.C. Capon
- Double Bass: H. Tissier
- Saxophone: A. Hatot & P. Bourgoin
- Flute: C. Hayward
- Oboe: P. Salmon
- Northumbrian Pipe: T. Allain
- Scottish Drums: L. Roujon & Y. F. Le Merdy
- Xylophone: E. Roche
- Percussion: E. Roche & T. Durbet
- Backing Vocals: M. Popkiewicz, Y. Jones, A. Calvert, F. Elkoubi, D. Appel, V. Grasse & K. Blasquiz
- Credits
- Production: A. Stivell & Philippe Langlois
- Recording: Frank Redlich, Studio Ferber
- Pierre Branner, Studio Harry Son
- Murielle Fouquerolle
- Mixing: Rene Hameline, Studio Ferber
- Photo: Marion
- Titles & Drawing: Auclair
- Conductor: Thierry Durbet
- All tracks written and arranged by Alan Stivell, unless otherwise noted.