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Santiano • Von Liebe, Tod und Freiheit (Of Love, Death and Freedom)
- Von Liebe, Tod und Freiheit
- 2015 - We Love Music 06025 47140500 CD (DEU)
- Tracklist
- Lieder der Freiheit (M. Oldfield)
- Rolling The Woodpile (Trad. Arr. H. Krech, M. Nissen, P. Muissig)
- Die letzte Fahrt (H. Krech, M. Nissen, L. Hainer)
- Johnny Boy (H. Krech, M. Nissen, D. Schlag, L. Hainer)
- Seine Heimat war die See (H. Krech, M. Nissen, L. Hainer, J. Balk)
- Fresenhof (Trad. Arr. H. Krech, M. Nissen)
- Joho und ne Buddel voll Rum (H. Krech, M. Nissen, L. Hainer)
- Under Jolly Roger (H. Braun, H. Krech, M. Nissen, L. Hainer)
- Der Alte und das Meer (B. Both, H. Krech, M. Nissen, L. Hainer)
- Sturmgeboren (H. Krech, M. Nissen, L. Hainer)
- Richtung Freiheit (H. Krech, M. Nissen, L. Hainer, A. Fahnert)
- Rungholt (B. Both, H. Krech, M. Nissen)
- Kinder des Kolumbus (P. Reber)
- Santiano
- Björn Both: Vocals, Bass, Didgeridoo
- Hans-Timm (Timmsen) Hinrichsen: Vocals, Guitars
- Pete Sage: Vocals, Violin, Accordion
- Axel Stosberg: Vocals, Percussion
- Andreas Fahnert: Vocals, Guitars
- Musicians
- Additional Chorus: Billy King
- Additional Guitars: Dirk Schlag, Jörn Heilbutt
- All Flutes and Bagpipes: Sandro Friedrich
- Accordion: Arne Wiegandin (Tracks: 5, 7, 8, 10 & 11)
- Additional Percussion: Marco Müller (Track: 3)
- Credits
- Recorded, Arranged, Produced and Mixed by Hardy Krech and Mark Nissen
- Tracks: 4 & 13 — Produced by Hardy Krech, Mark Nissen and Dirk Schlag
- Tracks: 8 & 9 — Produced by Hardy Krech, Mark Nissen and Hannes Braun
- All other Recordings and Programmings: Hardy Krech, Mark Nissen
- Mastered by Michael "Miro" Rodenberg for Gate Studio, Wolfsburg
- Photos: Christian Barz, Shutterstock
- Graphic Design: Artpress WA graphics, Karlheinz Koepfle