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Ryan's Fancy
- Dark Island
- 1971 - Audat 477-9001 LP (CAN)
- 1973 - Musikelt MK 7002 LP (IRL)
- Side One
- Dark Island (Silver, Maclachlan)
- Manchester Rambler (McColl)
- The Greenland Whale Fisheries (Trad. Arr. Ryan, O'Byrne, O'Reilly)
- Everytime (Paxton)
- The Peat Bog Soldiers (Trad. Arr. Ryan, O'Byrne, O'Reilly)
- Side Two
- A Children's Winter (O'Reilly)
- The Rose Of Mooncoin (Trad. Arr. Ryan, O'Byrne, O'Reilly)
- The Wreck of The Anna Maria (Thompson)
- By The Bright Silvery Light of the Moon (Trad. Arr. Ryan, O'Byrne, O'Reilly)
- The Tiree Love Song (Trad. Arr. Ryan, O'Byrne, O'Reilly)
- The Beginning (Banks)
- Ryan's Fancy
- Dermot O'Reilly
- Fergus O'Byrne
- Denis Ryan
- Credits
- Producer: Bob Stone for Media Artists Services /Fivetake Group
- Engineer: Al Feeney
- Recorded at Audio Atlantic, Halifax, Nova Scotia
- Arrangements: Denis Ryan, Fergus O'Byrne & Dermot O'Reilly
- Graphics and Creamics: Gerald Squires, Lighthouse Pottery, Ferryland, Newfoundland
- Photos: Jim Hansen
- Special Effects: Grant Kennedy, Bill Richards, Dale Banks
- Special Thanks: Eddie Richards, Vern Murphy, Francis Kennedy