Featured Artists
- A through C
- D through H
- I through O
- P through Z
Mick Hanly
- Warts And All
- 1991 - Round Tower Music RTMMC 32 Cassette (IRL)
- Tracklist
- Nothing in the Can
- What's His Name
- Don't Try to Cushion the Blow
- The Fabulous Thunderbirds
- On Vocals and Guitar
- Wherever You Go
- Joan
- Warts and All
- Let's Not Fight
- Words and the Bottle
- Uncle John
- Art and Reality
- My Body and Me
- Happy to be Here
- Musicians
- Mick Hanly: Vocals, Guitar
- Arty McGlynn: Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar
- Eoghan O'Neill: Bass Guitar
- Fran Breen: Drams
- Kenny Craddock: Hammond Organ, Piano, Bottleneck Guitar
- Philip King: Harmonica
- Credits
- Recorded at Windmill Lane Studios 6th-9th March 1991
- Produced by Arty McGlynn
- Engineered by Ciaran Byrne
- Assisted by Seán Leonard
- Mixed by Ciaran Byrne at Windmill Lane 10th March 1991
- All music and lyrics Mick Hanly
- Except "An And Reality": Music Mick Hanly, Lyrics James Simmons
- From Poems 1956-1986. Used by kind permission of The Gallery Press.
- All Rights Reserved.
- Published by Beann Eadair Music
- Photography by Brendan Fitzpatrick
- Design by Works Associates
- For Marie Bennett