Featured Artists
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Mick Hanly
Mick Hanly and Rusty Old Halo • Still Not Cured
- Still Not Cured
- 1987 - WEA RHLP1 LP (IRL)
- Track List:
- Back Again
- Without the Fanfare
- The Silence
- Sorry I Said
- Side Two
- Where It's At
- Neighbour
- Still Not Cured
- Search for the Light
- Credits
- Produced by Mick Hanly
- Engineered by Andrew Boland
- Mixed by Andrew Boland & Mick Hanly
- Recorded at Lansdowne Studios — August, 1986
- Sleeve Design: Charlie O'Neill
- Photo: Hugh Glynn
- All tracks written by Mick Hanly
- Thanks to Katherine Considine, Kieran Spain, Greg Boland, Una & Jessica Hanly, Bill McLoughlin, Marie Tierney, Joseph Byrne & his hurling buddies, Rough Magic, Rose & Eamonn
- Management: Mattie Fox