Sleeve Notes
Rob Rhuadh — Rob Roy MacGregor openly supported the Jacobite cause. The name and Tartan of MacGregor were for years proscribed by law, and many of the Clan had to take 'borrowed' surnames.
First Orra Loon — Gordon recalls his days as orra loon on Balado Home farm by Kinross. Mike Paul from Vancouver composed the tune.
MacCrimmon — was one of the Legendary piping family from Skye. He is said to have foretold his own death in battle.
Kelty Clippie — Kelty is a small village in Fife. A Clippie is another name for a bus conductress. This song was written by John Watt.
Ullapool, Ullapool — Gordon wrote this song for Ullapool's bi-centenary year in 1988.
Raglan Road — A beautiful Irish Love Song.
Tae The Beggin' — One of the earliest Songs performed by the Gabs the name Gaberlunzie means 'Beggar's Purse'.
Voice Of My Island — During the Highland Clearance people gathered on Mull before shipping out to the Americas, on the adjacent island of Ulva is a place known as Starvation Point where several hundred people died waiting for the 'White Sailed Ships'.