Featured Artists
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The Dudaim (Hadudaim)
- It's Not The Same House
- 1990 - MCI 99001-1 LP (ISR)
- Side One
- Zo Lo Oto Ha'bait (It's Not The Same House) (K. Lurie, M. Theodorakis)
- Hakol Zmani (All Time) (E. Manor, S. Hanoch)
- Bemita Shel Isha Zara (M. Goldberg, K. Alal)
- Itach (You) (G. Akshtein)
- Lambada Al Ha'chof (Lambda on the beach) (N. Shemer, S. De-Oliviera)
- Side Two
- Shote Kdei Lishko'ach (Drinking to forget that I was drunk) (K. Lurie, Folklore)
- Mechapes Et Atsmi (Looking For Myself) (E. Manor, D. Sanderson)
- Nama Yafo (Y. Sharet, Y. Rechter)
- Debka Medabeket (stuck contagious) (E. Manor, G. Akshtein)
- Baz Al Hamirpeset (Beige on the terrace) (N. Shemer)
- Soosei Hapere (Wild Horse) (M. Goldberg, B. Sharabi)
- The Dudaim
- Benny Amdursky: Vocals
- Israel Gurion: Vocals & Guitar
- Credits
- Producer: Benny Amdursky
- Musical Production, Arrangement, & Playing: Gary Eckstein
- Recorded at KODA Studios
- Cover Design: Gila Shakin
- Photography: R. Arde
- Notes
- Information on this release comes from outside sources.